Monday, June 26, 2006

ireland 2006

so where do i begin for part two of my summer adventure?

i flew into cork, ireland after having little to no sleep after a night of watching the stanley cup finals, game 7 and then catching the standsted bus at 4am. by the time i got to the airport the lines were massive for checking in and even for security. but thankfully, i made it just in time.

i was totally in a zombie state once i landed in cork and my contacts were glued to my eyeballs. i managed to take them out but was a bit worried that i wouldn't be able to track down miles as he was picking me up in our rental car. but after waiting twenty mintues in the october-esque like vancouver weather (rain/overcast), he pulled up in this burgundy cleo.

day one was a bit of a blurr as i wasn't really doing my part of the job on this trip. miles was the only person registered on the rental car so he agreed to drive. mind you, though i know how to operate a stick shift, i was a bit hesitant as you have to drive on the other side and maneouver with your left hand - makes it much more complicated. so i was the designated navigator for the trip and i must admit...i wasn't very helpful for the first few days. i guess coming off part one of my trip and driving the entire ten days i probably turned gears and didn't want to operate a car nor even look at a map to get any sense of direction. sorry miles!

we ended up getting out of cork and driving up to the blarney castle where we managed to walk the grounds and make it up to the top where we both kissed the blarney stone. we then drove around the ring of kerry and finally settled in a B&B in Killarney. we were told by our host (james) that it was going to be quite loud in town as it was a gathering of harley bikes from across europe. we ended up going to the main strip and had some pub food as we watched the england match.

we continued up along the west coast and took the ferry from tarbert to kilrush to make it to the burren region. along the way we made a wonderful pit stop at the cliffs of moher. it was the one moment on our ireland trip where the clouds disappeared and the two hours that we spent there was just splendid - clear blue skies and picturesque views of the ocean and the aran islands. at one point, miles and i just sat there and both noted to each other that this would be one of the top ten places to die (both morbidly thinking in suicidal terms).

we continued along through the burren region and drove through areas of the 300 sq km of karst limestone.
the second night we landed in a small little coastal area called Rossnowlagh and found a wonderful little B+B with a great little pub and a room with a view. i think i had the best irish meal at this smugglers' creek inn and thought the staff was so hospitable. Even the owner bought us a round of drinks (malibu pineapple, baby!).

we woke up the next morning and i guess miles thought it would be cool to offroad in our economy size car onto the beach. thank god we didn't get stuck because i would of kicked his hairy arse. we then decided to head up north and ended up in Ballyliffin. along the way we attempted to make it to slieve league, the highest cliffs in all of europe but unfortunately by the time we got there, the rain clouds just kept following us. you'd hike up a short distance and all you could see was the whiteness in the clouds. it's almost like you were walking into heaven with all the moutain goats surrounding you. i tried to catch up to miles but to no avail...i couldn't even see a foot ahead of me.

before heading to befast on the eve of our irish excursion, we drove to the northern area of malin and made our way to the giant's causeway. this was a cool hike and there were a few moments where i almost pushed miles over the edge (literally).

so now onto belfast....

we landed a cute little b+b in crumlin (which was only minutes away from belfast international airport). turns out there was a cancellation and we lucked out as rooms were sparse due to the irish special olympics. if ever you're in the area, check out caldhame lodge and ask for the bridal suite. anne, the host, was very pleasant and i was quite impressed by the decor of her home and her kick ass villeroy & boch jacuzzi tub. so we took a quick power nap and got ready to hit the town of belfast. we parked our car along a main strip (college street east) and checked out a few restaurants before we settled in at an aisan fusion joint called cayenne. the food was decent but we had an interesting conversation with ms. jules black, a local girl who happened to live in vancouver for several years and was in love with south korea. she recommended a great dancing club and after we finished up with our lovely cappucinos we headed back to our car.

this is where the story changes....

within minutes away from our rental car, i looked over to miles and told him that despite the rain i had such a lovely time in ireland and that even if we didn't go dancing that i was very pleased with the trip. so, i then skipped to the car and within seconds after shutting the door and attempting to buckle up i noticed some commotion from my periperhal vision. some dude walked over to miles' side and began hassling him and then simultaneously his partner in crime opened up my door and began to yank on my right arm. this had to be the most scariest situation that i had ever been faced with and i had no idea what to do. it all happened too fast and at one point i was trying to figure out why both of my arms were being stretched in different directions. it's like a moment in time when you have no idea what's happening and you have absolutely no control of the situation. this nasty culprit was pulling on my arm as my left arm was tangled by the seatbelt. i began to panic and then started to screech. it had to be the most interesting sound that came out of my vocal chords and a sound that could never be replicated. at this point, i had no idea that miles had an 8 inch kitchen knife nestled right into his stomach. if i had known that, i don't think i would of screamed in such an odd way. after realizing that we were getting carjacked, i finally removed my arm from the seat belt and moved away from the car. miles and i met at the back of the car and it was literally like 10 seconds before the two criminals managed to start the car and maneouver into gear. it was within those ten seconds where i thought, "thank god, we are not hurt", "why didn't i jot down the license plate number?", "why didn't i open up the trunk of the car and get the motorcycle jackets and digital camera out of there?". it's the what if, what could of you done if you could turn back the clock.

so, interestingly enough ... after completing our police reports which took over two hours and then being escorted in the "ghost car" (with the sirens running), we were told that they found the abandoned car and that we could go to the site and gather some of our belongings. thank god we retrieved the keys to the b+b and my damaged sunglasses. but oddly enough, miles' only set of apartment keys which were in a shallow pocket of his motorcycle jacket (that got swiped) was dangling on the keychain of our b+b. oh, and i almost forgot to mention, en route as they were escorting us back to the guest house, we had to make a detour to the mysteriously located and highly secured belfast police compound. it looked like a barricade enclosed by a 20 feet high bulletproof wall and i noticed a few seargents coming out of their white bulletproof mini hum-v's and had some anti-explosion garb on. makes you wonder how dangerous northern ireland/belfast can be...

the next morning, we had to cab it to the airport (with very little, to no sleep) and as we were walking over to the avis rental car agency, our dear friends constable bill and kieran tracked us down and had surveillance video in hand and wanted us to positively identify the two "hijackers". okay, who would of thought that in a matter of nine hours that you would go from being carjacked, to finding the stolen vehicle, entering a highly secured police compound to being escorted in the airport by several police officers to go knab and identify the assailants.

what a crazy story to share with others. and unfortunately, with my camera lost into the hands of the black market, the only picture i can share is what we took off of miles' camera the next morning. may i introduce to you constable bill and kieran....

Sunday, June 25, 2006

pix for you

the milliondollar view out of our bella vista hotel in eze village
(it was a tiny little hotel off the highway, sorta like driving by spuzzum, bc)

dolly took us out to the ritz hotel for afternoon tea

we're finally in the french rivera - day one in bandol

in st. tropez - ordered le menu de jour and my gosh...literally 5 pounds of mussels for my appy.

the view out of our terrace in lake como, italy - bon journo!

Monday, June 19, 2006

part one - gettin' my groove back

hey all... i'm back! part one of my comeback tour has been completed. dolly, anita and i had a fabulous time driving through the cote d'azur and heading through genoa, italy and up towards the great lakes of como, lugano and maggiore. right now, i'm back at dolly and andrew's flat and we just said goodbye to good ol' anita as she catches her flight back to vancouver. we all agreed that our trip was splendid and we were faced with no major issues other then the crazy traffic in milano and the "what the fu" was with the 24/ore automatic gas pumps?

we flew into toulon, france and were blessed with amazing weather. our first stop was in bandol, france where we checked into a logis de france that must of had the best bathroom/soaker tub ever. though we attempted to get anita on board with our morning jogging routine, we still managed to get her to lace up her sneakers. we ran along the bandol waterfront and bought a few knickknacks before we packed our things and headed along the rivera up to st. tropez. i would have to say for this leg of the trip, the best beach that we ended up on was in the pampelonne area of st. tropez. there were several areas to turn into but we picked the best - right beside club 55.

so onto cannes next and we only stayed there for one night in this interesting little hotel called chantilly. i wouldn't really recommend anyone to stay there as the church bells kept ringing on the half (all night long) and we had such a ghetto shower it was nuts. cannes was a very busy city and we managed to go dancing one night at the most pretentious place i have ever been too. the kind of place where you're separated by a velvet rope and the head bouncer gets to decide who's worthy enough to enter. oh, please!

we moved on to eze village which was fabulous. if you ever get a chance, go to the area around eze, villefranche sur mer and beaulieu - breathtaking views. if i ever have an opportunity to stay in france for a month it would definitely be back to this area.

a few more days of the cote d'azur sunshine and then we headed to genoa, italy and up north through milan to lake como. i must say driving even in the outskirts of milan is chaotic. people drive like mad men and there's so many scooters and congested roundabouts that it can be really messy. think we ended up tacking on an additional hour or so because we were driving in circles - ahhhhh!

nonetheless, we made it and i must say that lake como is a jem. we landed a private room with a terrace (not the fanciest of hotels) but it was perfect after a day of driving. and fabio, the hotel manager was eager to speak to us and tell us where to go and what to do. this hotel was only minutes away from george clooney's villa in laglio and the piccola hotel down the road made seafood risotto to die for.

a few days in lake como and then we headed up north towards switzerland and the lake lugano area. we were told not to spend too much time there so we checked into a hotel for two days. i would have to say that lugano is a bigger town and interesting because it's a swiss city but it still had the feel of italy and the spoken language around you was italian. we walked along the lake one night but the night markets were horrible and there really wasn't a lot to do there. note, food for some reason is more expensive in switzerland even when you do the swiss franc conversion. one night we went out for fondue chinoise and it was the most expensive meal we had during our entire trip and it wasn't even that great!

now onto the last portion of our trek. we drove into the lake maggiore area and stayed in a very spacious hotel in the verbania area. we had our last two nights there so it was perfect...a small terrace with a view of the lake and a great little restaurant around the corner. dolly and i jogged for 3 miles along the beautiful lakeside and the later that day took the ferry over to isola bella (several small occupied islands in the middle of the lake). though lake maggiore is gorgeous, i'm still favouring lake como and hope to go back there again someday.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

i'm in london now!

just a quick note to tell you that i've arrived alive and that it's about 21 degrees (celcius) here and i'm lovin' it. dolly and i just walked over to starbucks to have a quick coffee. i must say that she better not move anytime soon because it's so easy to get to her place now. just a few quick notes to mention:
  1. wasn't as excited as i thought i would be until i boarded the BA flight and the attendant welcomed me on board in her pretty english accent - that was a pinch me moment, i'm actually going to be on another continent
  2. the lady beside me on the flight here reminded me of dolly 20 years later. she was applying all these creams on her face/arms and at one point it squirted over my thigh and forearms. then she continued to pat her undereyes and apply cream after cream - hilarious!
  3. was pleasantly smiling while taking the tube to st. katherine's dock. thinking just yesterday i was blasting out my FU.LMASS CD in my car and i was playing it while i was riding the tube. music does wonders for your soul :)
  4. i saw terence stamp on the district line (first celebrity siting) one and i'm going to pop into the shower - heading to the ritz hotel for tea time.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

bye bye brynjam

you know how you realize as you age that it's not about the quantity of friends but the quality? well, i'm sad to say that ms. brynja is one of those quality kind of gals who walked into my life just a few years ago and now i must say goodbye. she's off to a far, far away place and accepted an amazing opportunity with the us embassy in iceland. i know she will do extremely well over there and her family will have such an adventure. onwards and upwards, bryn!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

happy birthday hee-jung-ee

to the one and only cousin that i used to pester the shiznit out of when we were kids. i used to steal your bike, make fun of you, boss you around and question anything that came out of that mouth of yours. i was a bit too harsh on you, wasn't i? well that was me then and look at us now ...

wishing you only the best on your birthday and you better check your email - your big surprise will be there! we just have to start planning the dates (planet bluegrass)

entropion eyes

just thought i'd inform the masses about mr. mooks' eyes. unfortunately, he suffers from severe entropion (a common eye condition with english bulldogs) which is the inward rolling of the eyelid that causes irritation to the cornea and may lead to visual impairment. my poor baby has been through hell and back in the past few months and i hope that he'll recover from the whole ordeal. here are some pix.

mr. mooks with his eye's tacked.

mr. mook right after his eye surgery.

rock a bye, baby!