Monday, December 25, 2006

have a very merry day!

warm wishes to everyone at christmas
and i hope the new year brings big changes to all!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

not lucy liu

i don't know how many times i've heard people comment on how i look like lucy liu. i remember being at the bergamo airport this year and dolly and i were dropping off our rental car and this italian hertz rep kept calling out - "lucy, are lucy liu!".

some people are blind, i think. the only thing we have in common are the scattered freckles on our faces. uncommon to most asians, i guess i would have to blame that on my mother.

anyways, i found this silly facial recognition site and thought it would be funny to see if i matched up with miss lucy. it's hilarious the only asian person that popped up was some guy named, stephen chow. wtf? i know i was a tomboy growing up and sometimes wondered if i was half man/half woman but i'd hate to be in some foreign country one day with someone hollering at me, "look...there's stephen chow!".

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

happy birthday kerbear

to the sweetest little birthday girl...
thank god her party was up in vancouver. i could only imagine if we organized something down in seattle - it would of been a party with no lights, that's for sure. we all got together to have dins at the hamilton street grill on saturday night, the home of the infamous ginger bread pudding that ker always raves about. it was nice seeing ker's rock girls again and i'm sure at some point ker thought she was being followed by the paparazzi. at one end of the table we had kells, dante and myself going trigger happy with our little digi cams. i guess for those who want to capture precious moments in the most creative way ... it's all about da pix.

congrats mr.d

just thought i'd congratulate my friend dante on his new position that commences in mid jan'07 as VP, director of strategy for a top notch marketing/ad firm based out of san fran. yay!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

the three t's

i was driving home last thursday night and was only minutes away from the house when the torrential downpour began. ker called me on my cell phone telling me she had never seen the traffic this backed up before and that the weather was completely spinning out of control. i immediately called work to give them a heads up of the sudden change in weather and nutty driving conditions that i was faced with. as i drove through the main street leading to the house, i freaked out by the depth of the water that had accumulated and how my mini was nearly covered in the feet and a half pool of rain.

almost 700K of puget's customers were out of power by late thursday night. it had been reported that this windstorm was far worse then was recorded back in 1993. no lights were on when i got home and it took nearly three days for the crew to restore the power in our area. thank god i had plans to be out of town. it would of been miserable to have been stuck here with absolutely no power - i would of gone nuts.

so it's wednesday now and about 100K customers are still without power. i was at work yesterday and was told that many executives are fielding phone calls at the call centre from severely irrate customers. i witnessed directly a well dressed elderly man walk up to our front desk at pse's headquarters demanding that he speak to someone about his power situation and refusing to leave until he did so. though the outage was caused by natural forces it makes you wonder about the basic human needs and how best we can function when things aren't as easily accessible to us.

so here's to the three t's in reference to the eastern seaboard outage that happened over three years ago. now that wasn't caused by an act of nature....moreso by miscommunication and units tripping in ohio and ny state (NOTE: can't blame canada). but what further escalated the widespread outage came down to: trees, (sagging) transmission lines and lack of training.

so in respect to trees and transmission in our pacific northwest situation...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

shout out loud

what a lovely evening it was to see mr. amos and his band play at the commodore. kells was given a ticket for her birthday and she was quite excited to hear his sound live. he's smooth, he's soulful and he and his band groove like no other. i was introduced to his music from nic a few years ago and really took to his lyrics. we were talking about that the other night about what kind of genre of music that connects with your soul. nic and kells, both major music lovers, dig all kinds of sounds but for some reason soulful chill really hits the spot for me. and i gravitate to music that is written from the heart or from an artist's life experiences that can move or inspire you and take you to places where you'd never thought you'd go. i'm gonna keep placing tabs on amos and i think i'll look out for martin sexton and patty griffin next...

enjoy the famous amos pix!

Monday, December 11, 2006

da animal hospital

wtf? it has been confirmed that my dog is officially a re-re. i had mooks down here for shy of a week so we could reconnect again. i felt a bit horrible as mr. alpha male mooks was taking over da pepper's homefront. on saturday morning he was playing with her stuffed squirrel so i thought i'd go to the pet hospital (and retreive some long lost stuffed animal that had already been destroyed). i gave mooks this little doll and to my pleasure, he joyously walked away with it. i went up to take a shower and twenty minutes later took his toy away and threw it back on top of the fridge - da pet hospital. so on monday, when i was back home in vancouver i was awoken at about 5am by mooks' stomach convulsing erratically. i'm thinking, 'god no....not another landscaping rock again!". so in the haze of the early morning i managed to clean up after him and then realized that there was this soggy four inch cylinder shaped piece of mush. i figured it could of been an old raw hide bone that he might of gobbled up when he was in the petting zoo at rob & lana's. but then i realized ... i wondered why the stuffed animal i gave him only had one arm? such an idiot - but i love him to bits.

Monday, December 04, 2006


i drove back home last night and was once again thrilled to be reunited with my little one. my uncle from new jersey will be flying in tomorrow to visit my gma and to celebrate my dad's bday (a tad earlier). going to go boarding up in whistler with pat's matt and hopefully hit some fresh powder. it's insane how much free time i have right now but i can't complain, can i? i have to report back to work for nights on the 13th...but then again that'll be just a day after catching amos lee play. yipeee!