Thursday, March 29, 2007


white powder, baby!

i was up in banff last weekend for a work conference and took a day out to hit lake louise. it was great meeting up with a bunch of folks and brokers and seeing some good 'ol friends. good times! against my wishes, i downed a few shots just so i could amuse a few fellas'. i'm telling you after this trip and watching spence buy a case of some fabulous wine from portalis, i'm really thinking that some pharmaceutical company could rake in some big $moolah$ by inventing the asian drinking pill. sign me up!

oh and a few congrats to pass along....pat and matt got engaged - yippeee! and so did my cousin nelly and tyler. and then i finally i got the story straight....i was told that bryan got engaged and i sent him a congrats email but it turns out his big bro will be getting hitched this summer. sweet-oh-lah!

enjoy the pix of banff!