Monday, May 21, 2007

here's to classy friends!

i had the girls down this weekend for a quick little bitch fest - sans ker :( - and we had a fab time just playing catch up. i am so grateful that these bitches are a part of my life...they add so much technicolour into this world i live in and i know that i will cherish them always and forever....

here's to pink bits, chargrilling it, being mingey, hamburger & buns, green clouds and ensuring that you wash your produce at all times....

Sunday, May 13, 2007

happy m-day

“For the hand that rocks the cradle - Is the hand that rules the world”
William Ross Wallace

oh, happy mother's day to all (and that includes mothers of four legged creatures)! i had the pleasure of having my parents and mr. mooks down this weekend for a lovely family reunion. mr. mooks was overwhelmed with joy to be reunited with his mama and it took him nearly twenty mintues to cool off before we shipped him off into my room and grabbed a quick bite to eat. on sunday morning i surprised my mom with her new hiking gear and we made our way over to north bend to hike up rattlesnake trail. i'm thrilled that my parents are becoming more active as they age and being more aware of the importance of staying healthy while enjoying the beauty of this earth. i'm so proud of them - my dad hikes the grouse grind twice a week and my mom participates in a weekly hiking group @ the lynn canyon trail. and now, much to my liking, mister mooks may join them and keep them company (or perhaps, lead the way) on their weekly jaunts. oh - you gotta love him!

so today of all days, my mom said the sweetest thing to me, "whenever i'm with you i feel like a millionaire". i'm pretty sure it had a lot to do with coming off of a high (post hike) but it was how she said it and when she said it. i think she was muttering it to herself as she was looking out the window of the truck and i could see her smile through my rearview mirror. it's genuine moments like that when i realize the importance of family and how we should all savour every little moment we have.

thanks to the bizarre turn of events last year, i truly follow my motto, 'this is the only one life you live - so live it". and despite the worries of my parents of not settling down (in the traditional sense), my mind thinking a mile a minute and friends wondering why i can't sit still, i want the world to know that i'm in such an amazing place in my life as i've learned to let go of a lot of be open and fearless, to be curious and spontaneous, to not have a care in the world of what people think of me, to allow my heart to sing, to enjoy moments of solitude, to laugh at myself always, to be open to new experiences, to bring beautiful people into my world, to inspire and to be inspired, to listen more, and to smile and say 'hello'. to sum it all up, i must thank anya for saying this to me about a month ago - "life is short & days are long". now that really made me think...

so now onto getting me some ginko and playing sudoku!

enjoy the mother's day pix.

mooks hiking

Saturday, May 12, 2007

thanks to the jacksons

ok so there wasn't an action shot to prove that i got up the first time but at least i was documented in the bumblebee dry suit (post face plant). i was invited onto a friend's boat last week to go wakeboarding on lake washington and was a bit apprehensive to step foot into the water because a) it was cold at night and b) i wasn't sure if i'd be able to get up. with some inspiration after seeing a few of the guys rip it up on the wake and seeing duncan do a back flip i realized that i had to step up to the plate.

this is where i have to thank annie & jeff for being so patient with me last summer at their lake cabin in maine. it took two days for them to coach me on the art of getting your ass out of the water and by some freak of nature last wednesday it all just came back to me.

i'm telling you - nature is my new religion.

Monday, May 07, 2007

take a hike

thanks anya for being ms joe hikestress and taking us for a lovely trail walk up rattlesnake park. think i'm gonna take my mom up there for mother's day and surprise her with a nice little picnic on the rock.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

hawaii 5-0

miles thinks i'm an absolute dork for wanting to post this.

kitcat: so what did u think?
kitcat: dorky if i upload to blog?
miles: with that music? at that volume? for that long? miles: YES
kitcat: oh gawd...
kitcat: seriously
miles: i dont joke about dorkness
kitcat: i think i'm still gonna do it
miles: doesnt surprise me

whatever miles!