Friday, July 27, 2007

beer boy bry!

had such a wonderful time @ sinc's wedding in napa and it's always great to reconnect with your childhood friends and to this day i still find bryan to be one of the funniest guys i know - you kill me!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

y's & the w's

long live good friends and let's never forget our night @ fuel and the $10 bottle of water from new zealand - oh good times!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

moto europe 2007

i'll be posting a video of my lovely moto trip after i compile all the pix and videos. i faced a few issues after accidently formatting my memory card one morning and feeling like the biggest fool in the world. but for the mean time here are just a few of my fav pix but i'll re-blog after i get my work laptop set up as bloggin' from my apple just simply doesn't work! hope all is well....

moto europe 2007

Monday, July 09, 2007

oh - he misses me so!

so i went back home for a quick visit this weekend and got a little lovin' from my dog. i think this seperation anxiety is gonna get the best of him. enjoy!