Sunday, November 18, 2007

asian nanny

i've already volunteered my services to some of my good ol' friends. exciting times are to come for ker and the p and to the myrens. i stopped by the hospital to pay a visit to mister haakon - an absolute angel who was brought into this world on his mother's bday.

so here's to the future gunnette and thord haakon....

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

the best birthday ever....

in every day there is a magic moment waiting to be created - adele basheer

i've been so behind in updating my blog and posting nonsense (as feds would say). i'll be working on it over the rememberance day long weekend. but to start off i just wanted to post this shot of the lovely ladies who came down for my bday and helped set it off with a big bang!!! thanks all for being in my life and i appreciate and cherish each and every one of you....