Monday, April 30, 2007

boardin' pix

going up hortsman tbar

good times up @ blackcomb. can you believe it? they're going to be opened until june 3rd!!! opey, cheri and i managed a quick trip up and were blessed with knee high powder at the top. oh, heavenly!

take a bite outta bart

i took part in a quick weekend getaway to oakland, california to partake in an annual musseling weekend that's been held for over twenty years. imee, pete & josh were nice enough to invite me and the anderson's were gracious enough to host the festivities and house over twenty some-odd seattlelites in their lovely home in danville. i had no idea what to expect but i must say that the company i was with made it very memorable. it's so great to be surrounded by such solid, fun-loving and zany people who know how to have a good time. we all slept in the living room and were packed in like sardines - poor josh was curled up against the wall and when i woke up in the morning i had about three feet of space beside me - doh!

on the morning of the event, there were some clouds in the sky but that didn't stop us from driving down to santa cruz to make way for the big day. we all hiked down to the beach with our pails in hand and began digging and yanking away for the perfect mussel. with some fresh baquettes, red wine and herb/lemon melted butter ... our shellfish cookout turned out to be a delightful affair. and to top it all off, the sun came out and we managed to set up the net for some beach volleyball action.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

mom & mooks visit

so my mom and mr. mooks came down for a short visit to hit dr. sullivan's office for a post op-follow up. turns out his eyes are healing well but it seems that he's got some seasonal allergies and possibly atopic dermatitis (takes after his mother). and to boot' he had some strange growth coming out of his side rib cage. worried that it was a tumour, it turns out that it's nothing serious. perhaps the little bonehead took an aerial fall and knocked himself silly somewhere. nonetheless, i love him to bits and took my mom and mooks out for a stroll around greenlake.

go canucks go!

make us proud, canucks!

courtesy of my talented friend maurice ...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

aqua baby

just heavenly...

Sunday, April 08, 2007

living in the 90's

it was absolutely gorgeous on friday! i took a nice little trek out to the westside and picked up some sushi to go and bladed along the burke gilman trail. you always seem to fall in love with a city when the sun is out and the warmth of the rays tickles your skin. i realized as i was blading that i'm so living in the 90's. there were so many people walking, running and biking along the trail and i only passed by one fellow blader who actually signaled and gave me a quick 'hello'.

pat, her sis and her mom came down after a treachourous three hour delay at the bcus border - insane in the membrane! we hit the university district and did some shopping and then made our way to ballard to dine @ volterra. we attempted to get into La Carta de Oaxaca but the line up was far too big so we ended up going there for lunch the following day. delish - if you want to try a bunch of yummy mexicano dishes.

late friday night we met up with some friends @ the ibiza lounge. pat and i were so damn tired and just wanted to go to bed but i had to show up and check out my buddy's new lady. let me tell you, the nightlife in seattle sucks! though i confess to being a closet hermit, of the few times that i've gone out to meet up with friends i've been sadly disappointed. what's up with this city?

so i delightfully started off my easter sunday with a killer hot power yoga class and thought it would be nice to check out an easter service. i made my way over to mars hill in ballard and carefully scoped out the crowd to spot out any overzealous, hands in the air, potential tongue speaking attendees. much to my satisfaction the service was pretty good and the place was large enough that i could just go in, do my thing and mosey on out of there. i'm still trying to figure out whether or not the church is my thing but i can definitely tell you that i'm constantly searching for new ways to feeding that little ol' spirit inside of myself.

i know your going to get peeved pat but i thought i'd post this picture. i miss being steam rolled

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

that's my boy...

so once again the little one has turned into a conehead. he came down with my mom last week to get some work done on his entropion eyes. poor little guy, eh?

enjoy the show!