Monday, April 30, 2007

take a bite outta bart

i took part in a quick weekend getaway to oakland, california to partake in an annual musseling weekend that's been held for over twenty years. imee, pete & josh were nice enough to invite me and the anderson's were gracious enough to host the festivities and house over twenty some-odd seattlelites in their lovely home in danville. i had no idea what to expect but i must say that the company i was with made it very memorable. it's so great to be surrounded by such solid, fun-loving and zany people who know how to have a good time. we all slept in the living room and were packed in like sardines - poor josh was curled up against the wall and when i woke up in the morning i had about three feet of space beside me - doh!

on the morning of the event, there were some clouds in the sky but that didn't stop us from driving down to santa cruz to make way for the big day. we all hiked down to the beach with our pails in hand and began digging and yanking away for the perfect mussel. with some fresh baquettes, red wine and herb/lemon melted butter ... our shellfish cookout turned out to be a delightful affair. and to top it all off, the sun came out and we managed to set up the net for some beach volleyball action.

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