Sunday, January 27, 2008

forever twenty six...

i've been the biggest procrastinator but i finally found the time to upload a bunch of pix to my bday trek to eastern washington and down to austin for the ACL festival - good times! everyone makes fun of me for being camera happy all the time but how does one document their life and capture kodak memories? i felt blessed this september for being surrounded by all my loved ones and for having mother nature being so good to me. it was on my beautiful ride back through mt. rainier that i made the revelation that seattle will be my second home. i was flirting with the idea of removing myself from this wonderful place so that i could escape and start my world all over....but it was on that magical day that i realized that there is so much beauty in the pacific northwest that i've never had the opportunity to tap into. plus, i have the freedom to explore and live while it would only take me 2.5 hours to go 'home' if i had to see fam & friends. so with much thought, i pulled the plunge and made my decision - i've started the whole green card process and i just got accepted to an intro climbing course where i will continue my journey and explore...

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