Wednesday, December 03, 2008

what i wanna be when i grow up....

who would of ever thought that i would be living in seattle and trading power by the hour, day-ahead or bal mo? if i had not been curious by this little power marketing company @ bchydro or that i thrived on the fast pace buzz, who knows where i'd be right now. 

post the enron-esque cali crisis to the birth and implosion of financial banks trading west coast power, i've been thinking long and hard of what i wanna do when i grow up? though it comes in waves, corporate career vs entrepreneurial biz, i realized that the direction i would like to head towards is in the area of the 'green collar' world. i have no idea what this will entail but after watching this interesting documentary - fuel, winner of this year's sundance doc award - i have decided that i must move into the direction of a sustainable world. often i joke about moving to netherlands and working on a wind farm but who's to say that one day it might be my reality? but in all seriousness, i encourage people to check out this flick. i don't like to endorse sensationalized michael moore-like flicks but this made me think about the kind of world that i'd like to live in, or at least pass onto the world's offspring. 

please see this film if you can - fuel - and check out this article.  

now i'll go dream away of carbon trading one day or perhaps quading around some wind farm somewhere in this lovely world....

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