Thursday, November 05, 2009

hello, dolly!

oh, dearest dolls - thank you for being my lovely friend...

we can be millions of miles apart and may not have the opportunity to converse on a more frequent basis but i want you to know that i think the world of you.  remember that international relations class with the instructor that stuttered?  i think that's the first time i met you and i was intrigued by this interesting asian gal who reminded me of my 'jocky' self who had this fun little spirit about her - perhaps the spirit of moose jaw?

well, much time has passed and many memories to look back on (and many that we can hysterically laugh at ie. ubc varsity basketball tryouts...aahhh hummm). and i thought this would be a great way to tell the few who tap into my blog about how wonderful i think you are and how grateful i am to have you as my friend.

after my short little visit this past week, i wanted you to know how happy i am for you.  to witness you now as a mother, and to see this precious little being that is now a part of you and drew - joshua samuel- makes me realize how beautiful life can be.

i don't think i've ever told you this but that visit i made back in '06 did wonders for my spirit and put my life into perspective.  planning our trip to the cote d'azur and taking that rental car through the streets of monaco to lake como, made us fearless back then. i laughed my head off, challenged myself for driving in unknown territory, laughed at your silly suggestions towards the handsome french captain, to eating fine foods and gelato galore.  thank you for renewing the spirit in me and making me smile again.  i will also never forget the night you and drew took me out to the wolseley for my birthday and for surprising me, not once, but twice with little blue boxes of sweet surprises.  that night, you and drew touched my heart in ways that you will never know....

so move forward three years later, when we had lunch at 'bar des theatres'  and you shared fond and intimate details of your childhood and stories about your father.  it made me want to honour you for just being you and for realizing how much love you have for everyone around you.  and when you made that comment about even having my brother stay with you in france? that's so typical of you dolls, always looking out for those that you love.  

i will forever cherish our friendship and can't wait to see where the journey will go for both you and i.  joshua is going to grow into being a fine young man, i guarantee it.  and i will laugh myself silly when i see all the dolly-isms in joshua's character. you make me proud, lady!

until we meet again
love you to bits

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