Sunday, February 28, 2010

proud to be canadian!!!

i am so proud of my homeland. thanks to team canada they brought the entire nation together to celebrate a fabulous win in men's hockey. the women did just as great but what's with the 'in your face' champagne celebration? we're a far more humble nation, that's for sure.

i had the honour of being a part of the celebration last weekend as i caught a few hockey games and the men's aerial qualifying event. although we had more of a spring olympics, they managed to patch in enough snow for the events at cypress and the weather in the city was phenomenal. what a great way to showcase vancouver with crystal blue skies and the sun poppin' out in the daytime.

i wish i hadn't forgotten my camera (idiot, that i am) but anne managed to take this hilarious shot when i was at the switzerland vs norway ice hockey game.

i just love canada!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

me jamming? wtf?!?!

i must go dig deep within and find that inner fire and confidence to be a bad ass on the track. last season, i was always in fear of the jammer panty and was exhausted getting knocked down and having to quickly pull myself back up - it was like being tossed around in a washing machine - literally. so this season i will put my body and mind to the test and be challenged when i'm called upon to jam for my team.

this is going to be an interesting season.
wish me luck.

Monday, February 08, 2010

CHRIS BOTTI IN BOSTON | "Emmanuel" w/ Lucia Micarelli | PBS

went to his concert sat night and was touched by all the performances....