Sunday, February 28, 2010

proud to be canadian!!!

i am so proud of my homeland. thanks to team canada they brought the entire nation together to celebrate a fabulous win in men's hockey. the women did just as great but what's with the 'in your face' champagne celebration? we're a far more humble nation, that's for sure.

i had the honour of being a part of the celebration last weekend as i caught a few hockey games and the men's aerial qualifying event. although we had more of a spring olympics, they managed to patch in enough snow for the events at cypress and the weather in the city was phenomenal. what a great way to showcase vancouver with crystal blue skies and the sun poppin' out in the daytime.

i wish i hadn't forgotten my camera (idiot, that i am) but anne managed to take this hilarious shot when i was at the switzerland vs norway ice hockey game.

i just love canada!!!

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