Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010


it's amazing....

i had a friggen fabulous weekend. i can't sleep right now and i'm fallin' from a happy buzz - cooking some french at home, a nice moto ride saturday morning, seeing dolls, nic & sweet elias and having a blast (diein' in stitches) at MG's 40th bday party. then i woke up to some fine cafe artigianno. but one of the highlights was meeting this 93yr old stranger who was lost in surrey. it was an eery encounter as she sat in my car and i was giving her a ride back to 'sunnyside manor'. we chatted, she complained about her 'mean' son and then i helped her return to her place. i sat in the car and just teared because for a moment there, i felt like i was blessed with the spirit of my grams. holy $hitballs.

and then to top it off, after a little bit of pinot grigio, some sips of basil and hayden to my new signature gin 'n tonic, i was happily groovin' to some great tunes last night.

what more could i have asked for this wicked weekend.

One eskimO - absolutely in love.

sweet dreams!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

b*tches for life!

one of the best things that ever happened to me was applying for a little ol' job posting at some power marketing firm called, 'powerex' in 1999. i had no idea what would be in store for me but i somehow managed to get hired after telling the recruiter that my nickname at bchydro was, 'the amphetamine queen'. i guess it was a match made in heaven!

but the best part of my days at powerex had to be the lovely angels in my life - kerry, kristie and kelly. to my soul sisters, my sista from another motha, my b*tches, my 'maxi-pad' roommates, my 'hamburger and bun' clan - i will cherish and love each of you, all the days of my life.

so in honour of our friendship and to capture a moment in our lives, i organized a little photo shoot called forever young. i wanted us to find the time to be in each other's presence, to feel pampered and to put our best face forward and to shine in our own little spotlight.

i love my b*tches and can't wait to see where our story goes.....


Sunday, March 07, 2010


last night was so fantabulous!

it's the weirdest feeling on the day of bout when you're racing around and trying to get your game face on. the queazy feeling in your belly that just won't go away and then the need to go to the toilette because you're so damn nervous. i wish i didn't have to go through the rigamarole each time but i guess that's what this game is all about. not to be intimidated, to play harder then you've ever played before, to believe in yourself and to believe in your team.

i 'heart' grave danger and was so proud to be a part of last night's win.