Tuesday, March 09, 2010

b*tches for life!

one of the best things that ever happened to me was applying for a little ol' job posting at some power marketing firm called, 'powerex' in 1999. i had no idea what would be in store for me but i somehow managed to get hired after telling the recruiter that my nickname at bchydro was, 'the amphetamine queen'. i guess it was a match made in heaven!

but the best part of my days at powerex had to be the lovely angels in my life - kerry, kristie and kelly. to my soul sisters, my sista from another motha, my b*tches, my 'maxi-pad' roommates, my 'hamburger and bun' clan - i will cherish and love each of you, all the days of my life.

so in honour of our friendship and to capture a moment in our lives, i organized a little photo shoot called forever young. i wanted us to find the time to be in each other's presence, to feel pampered and to put our best face forward and to shine in our own little spotlight.

i love my b*tches and can't wait to see where our story goes.....


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