Sunday, April 18, 2010

mid life crisis?!?!

an astonishing 5700 people came out to the key arena to watch us play. my folks came out and my dad has now confirmed that i'm 'crazy' and my mom couldn't bear to see me on the track. apparently she was screaming out my name (real name) when i was playing and i can only imagine the people around her thinking she's a nutbar, too! oh, how i love 'em so....

so here's to my mid life crisis?!? i was having a conversation with a friend in vegas and we were talking about women who go through mid life crises and i was questioning whether or not my adventures of the last four years have anything to do with my DB breakup or truly if i'm hitting that point in my life where i need to go out and buy a 'corvette'?

i did some research and i agree with the fact that not all mid life crises are related to the scary concept of aging, rather for me at least it has something to do with self-reflecting over a traumatic event. i still think of the 'seven year itch' and how i lost a sense of who i was and didn't follow my passion nor venture off into paths that i was quite interested in learning more about.

my life now is all about living it to the fullest and being surrounded by beautiful things. not necessarily material but people, objects and experiences that truly touch my soul and make me want to live a life full of meaning....

after watching this tv segment on necker island and the insane conglomerate business that richard branson runs while living this adventurous life is inspiring that creative/entrepreneurial spirit inside of myself.

i will do some soul searching on my trek to santorini this june/july and i'll have to devise my next plan in life.


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