Thursday, July 13, 2006


so i've been waiting for some "friends" that we made at the concert to send me some pictures ...but to no avail, i guess i have to get some shots off the website. forbes and i had a blast at the concert. when we walked into the arena we had no idea that we were so friggen close to the stage - it was unreal. we were on the floor, section 1, row 22 - exactly where she opens the show in the disco ball. it was as if madonna was only one metre away from us. forbes actually touched the stage and swears that she felt madonna's sweat drip on her! she played most of her songs off of her new confessions cd and some of her old tunes. before we cabbed it to the show we hit jim's steak to get a legendary philly cheese steak (where nicole had her first bite of red meat since she cut it out of her vegetarian diet). the cheese steak was ok. kind of overrated if you ask me but then i'm sure we didn't hit the best place.

here are some clips from the show and a link to some of the pictures we took before and after the show.

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