Wednesday, July 19, 2006

maine 2006

i must say that annie and jeff were so kind in hosting us at their house in cape elizabeth, maine and having us over at their beautiful cabin on the lake (only an hour away from their home). it took us nearly eight hours to get to annie's place from philadelphia and driving through six states (PA, NJ, NY, CN, NH, ME) - but it was well worth it. nic, forbes and i all agreed that it was a perfect little getaway to rejuvenate our spirits with some great R&R and a tonne of giggles. we basically hung out on the lake each day while jeff and annie showed us how to wakeboard in style. forbes mastered wakeboarding without any hesitation and nic got up on the very first day. me, on the other hand - c'est impossible! i attempted every day after that, but i couldn't find the ability to do so until the last day. it was the coolest feeling to finally get up out of the water and ride the wake. kudos to annie and jeff for being such great instructors and being so patient with us.

this trip brought another perm-smile to my face. i thoroughly enjoyed the good times with my girlfriends and just being away in another amazing place on earth - it makes you appreciate the beauty in life.

1 comment:

Brynja Myren said...

how beautiful that place you guys played around in was!!!! it really just makes you want to go and explore more of the different states many of us don´t even think about going to. i think i just might go and check out more of this big world of ours. thanks for sharing....