Saturday, June 06, 2009

my life in pix

so i used to be the gal that went trigger happy with her camera and was always eager about posting stuff on my blog. what can i say? life has been busy and i went through a short period of being anti-facebook/anti-bloggin'. however, after visiting my gma today i realized that 'kodak memories' are a must. she's not really speaking and is nearing the end of her life. today however i've had a change of heart. the fact that i could entertain her and put a smile on her face while going through my lame-ass youtube videos made me realize how life is so precious and that we should always document it as you just never know what's around the corner....
Duncan being very 'jarlsberg' in France

Surprise! Surprise! My parent's retirement gift

Pebble Beach's signature trees
Mom & Dad

Strike First! Hit Hard! No Mercy!

Holy Shizer I made it into the SeattlePI

my very first cab ride
king of lake washington
i heart water elias & his sidekick
welcome to this world joshua!

sweet little sydney bird

me & sydney @ the pt bob

what'cha 'reckon?

sweet jesus - 10K miles!

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