Sunday, September 10, 2006

getting the zest out of life

have you ever taken the myer's brigg personality test? back when i was in university i was given a condensed version of the test to see what kind of career i would be suitable for. i've always remembered that i was an ENFP type personality and that i always had a zest for life.

so why not take an online test again years later just to see if i've evolved in anyway or if i'm still the same old zany self. i was a bit curious to see where i would fall so i took this short test online tonight which only consisted of 72 questions and once again, it concludes that i'm an ENFP type person.

interestingly enough after reading up on it, i found this funny website that had a few bullets points on ENFPs...most particularly, i was pleasantly surprised by the career suggestion that i should be an advertising account executive. perhaps, deep down inside that would be my calling. if you didn't know, before i moved over into the world of power and gas i was seriously contemplating in working for an advertising firm in vancouver. and then several years ago, i even took a short leave of absense from powerex to pursue a multimedia program before i made the move down south. makes me wonder....

anyways, take note dear friends... this is how you can love the ENFP in me.

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