Wednesday, September 13, 2006

so you think you can dance?

so the girls came down last night, after our eager friend (and closet contemporary dancer) kellbell wanted us to check out this show that was coming to seattle. never watched an episode of, "so you think you can dance" but i thought i'd take one for the team if all the girls were into going. despite the fact that we had to sit in the 3rd mezzanine, row Z and were surrounded by a zillion screaming tweens, i was able to enjoy the show and appreciate the extraordinary talent that some of these kids have. it's so amazing to see how strong yet fluid their bodies are and how moving to music can be so theatrical and pleasing to the eye. i would have to say my favourite routine would be the group dance to JT's sexyback - hot number. it made me wonder, maybe i should grab that purple unitard i got for my bday and head to some open dance class....;)

anyways, it was great to reconnect with the girls again and to just be in each other's company. i enjoyed my late night convo with kells and loved how i talked her ear off once again. lesson learned kells, "it's all about finding the perfect pair of jeans and loving yourself and not having a care in the world of what other people think of you..."

and then it was a wonderful surprise to be woken up by some shadow that was hovering over me. i opened my eyes and there standing was ms big haired forbes. "good morning, girlies" as she jumped right into the centre of my bed - "KATHUNK" - what a fabulous way to wake up in the morning!

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