Sunday, September 26, 2010

brew ha ha

post fremont's oktoberfest brew ha ha 5K run - prost!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

like a virgin

can't wait until forbes and J 'tie the knot' in july. and to get the celebration going we had forbes' 'like a virgin' stagette last weekend and had one gay ol' time. at one point 'madonna' struck a pose with the straights on one side and then the munchers on the other.

thanks to the pix from tash - one of, if not the best madonna impersonator (next to forbes and the dude in drag).

thanks to a lovely night, ladies!

Monday, June 21, 2010


i was up in vancouver this weekend for forbes' stagette and took some time out saturday morning to take my brother's streetfighter out for a ride on the sea-to-sky - bad ass ride, that's for sure!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

what did i do to deserve this?

some punk a$$ thought it was a good idea to steal my helmet & gloves.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

going for a ride....

dolls, you made my day!

keep 'em coming dolly! xo
Thinking of u
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Sunday, April 18, 2010

mid life crisis?!?!

an astonishing 5700 people came out to the key arena to watch us play. my folks came out and my dad has now confirmed that i'm 'crazy' and my mom couldn't bear to see me on the track. apparently she was screaming out my name (real name) when i was playing and i can only imagine the people around her thinking she's a nutbar, too! oh, how i love 'em so....

so here's to my mid life crisis?!? i was having a conversation with a friend in vegas and we were talking about women who go through mid life crises and i was questioning whether or not my adventures of the last four years have anything to do with my DB breakup or truly if i'm hitting that point in my life where i need to go out and buy a 'corvette'?

i did some research and i agree with the fact that not all mid life crises are related to the scary concept of aging, rather for me at least it has something to do with self-reflecting over a traumatic event. i still think of the 'seven year itch' and how i lost a sense of who i was and didn't follow my passion nor venture off into paths that i was quite interested in learning more about.

my life now is all about living it to the fullest and being surrounded by beautiful things. not necessarily material but people, objects and experiences that truly touch my soul and make me want to live a life full of meaning....

after watching this tv segment on necker island and the insane conglomerate business that richard branson runs while living this adventurous life is inspiring that creative/entrepreneurial spirit inside of myself.

i will do some soul searching on my trek to santorini this june/july and i'll have to devise my next plan in life.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

wicked laser light show

muse @ the key w/zapalac.

a bundle of joy

joshua samuel - i'll see your sweet little face in june!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010


it's amazing....

i had a friggen fabulous weekend. i can't sleep right now and i'm fallin' from a happy buzz - cooking some french at home, a nice moto ride saturday morning, seeing dolls, nic & sweet elias and having a blast (diein' in stitches) at MG's 40th bday party. then i woke up to some fine cafe artigianno. but one of the highlights was meeting this 93yr old stranger who was lost in surrey. it was an eery encounter as she sat in my car and i was giving her a ride back to 'sunnyside manor'. we chatted, she complained about her 'mean' son and then i helped her return to her place. i sat in the car and just teared because for a moment there, i felt like i was blessed with the spirit of my grams. holy $hitballs.

and then to top it off, after a little bit of pinot grigio, some sips of basil and hayden to my new signature gin 'n tonic, i was happily groovin' to some great tunes last night.

what more could i have asked for this wicked weekend.

One eskimO - absolutely in love.

sweet dreams!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

b*tches for life!

one of the best things that ever happened to me was applying for a little ol' job posting at some power marketing firm called, 'powerex' in 1999. i had no idea what would be in store for me but i somehow managed to get hired after telling the recruiter that my nickname at bchydro was, 'the amphetamine queen'. i guess it was a match made in heaven!

but the best part of my days at powerex had to be the lovely angels in my life - kerry, kristie and kelly. to my soul sisters, my sista from another motha, my b*tches, my 'maxi-pad' roommates, my 'hamburger and bun' clan - i will cherish and love each of you, all the days of my life.

so in honour of our friendship and to capture a moment in our lives, i organized a little photo shoot called forever young. i wanted us to find the time to be in each other's presence, to feel pampered and to put our best face forward and to shine in our own little spotlight.

i love my b*tches and can't wait to see where our story goes.....


Sunday, March 07, 2010


last night was so fantabulous!

it's the weirdest feeling on the day of bout when you're racing around and trying to get your game face on. the queazy feeling in your belly that just won't go away and then the need to go to the toilette because you're so damn nervous. i wish i didn't have to go through the rigamarole each time but i guess that's what this game is all about. not to be intimidated, to play harder then you've ever played before, to believe in yourself and to believe in your team.

i 'heart' grave danger and was so proud to be a part of last night's win.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

proud to be canadian!!!

i am so proud of my homeland. thanks to team canada they brought the entire nation together to celebrate a fabulous win in men's hockey. the women did just as great but what's with the 'in your face' champagne celebration? we're a far more humble nation, that's for sure.

i had the honour of being a part of the celebration last weekend as i caught a few hockey games and the men's aerial qualifying event. although we had more of a spring olympics, they managed to patch in enough snow for the events at cypress and the weather in the city was phenomenal. what a great way to showcase vancouver with crystal blue skies and the sun poppin' out in the daytime.

i wish i hadn't forgotten my camera (idiot, that i am) but anne managed to take this hilarious shot when i was at the switzerland vs norway ice hockey game.

i just love canada!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

me jamming? wtf?!?!

i must go dig deep within and find that inner fire and confidence to be a bad ass on the track. last season, i was always in fear of the jammer panty and was exhausted getting knocked down and having to quickly pull myself back up - it was like being tossed around in a washing machine - literally. so this season i will put my body and mind to the test and be challenged when i'm called upon to jam for my team.

this is going to be an interesting season.
wish me luck.

Monday, February 08, 2010

CHRIS BOTTI IN BOSTON | "Emmanuel" w/ Lucia Micarelli | PBS

went to his concert sat night and was touched by all the performances....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

my heart is smiling....

i am sitting in this paradise bakery & cafe in surprize, AZ while my folks are having a 'gay ol' time at some active 50+yr community living space where they're playing golf with good friends. i'm glad they're having a great time even though i'd hate to think that i'll be at a place in my life where grass on steroids and a nearby community center with geriatrics exercise will do it for me. but life is about striving for happiness so if my folks are having a great time, i will encourage that however best i can.

i have a bunch of stuff to get done for our season opener at the key and will hit the ground running shortly but thought i'd share a few things with you that made my heart sing. i was killing time at a barnes & noble and finished off this great flick by sam mendes. if you haven't had the chance yet to see it, go rent 'away we go'. i loved the story, the soundtrack and the beauty of two people awaiting (yet scared) for the birth of their daughter and the interesting people in their lives. i adore the way burt loves verona. it made me think that instead of focusing on the unknown and my crazy little back up plan, that i need to be ready to love again. to open my heart to the possibilities that i will once again fall for someone and that i could be someone's verona....

anyways, upon finishing the flick and trying to figure out where to go next in the little town of surprise....this sweet pixt message arrived in my inbox. thank you so much for loving my little stinker and for taking care of him, uncle d. i literally went from this charming flick to seeing my little baby playing in what he would call heaven - aqua.

so on that note, i thought i'd post a bunch of pix that will forever keep my heart smiling...